Strategic Communication
CDC can help you decide what needs to be communicated and to whom, by helping design a communication strategy for your organization, one of your key programmes, or for your partners in government. Combining skills in Communication for Development (C4D) with Strategic Communication, CDC has designed strategies for social change in areas such as Reproductive Health; Education Reform; Decent Work; Economic Reform and Governance. We have also designed strategies for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in China and Mongolia; the United Nations joint office in Cape Verde; the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the Middle East and North Africa; for the UNICEF regional office for the Middle East and North Africa and for a major African Government. We can help you starting with the stakeholder assessment, through audience analysis and message design to the selection of tactics and tools and how to monitor and evaluate the whole strategic plan. In addition we can provide technical support during the first year of implementation.
Moncef Bouhafa (CDC Director) leads our team with more than three decades of experience in the field, including working with two recognized leaders in communication: UNICEF and the Center for Communication Programmes at Johns Hopkins University. His many achievements include helping to develop the concept of Social Mobilization while in UNICEF; helping develop family planning communication programmes in the Middle East and North Africa; designing effective communication strategies to help eradicate polio in the MENA region; designing effective communication strategies for World Bank funded projects in Cambodia (Demand for Good Governance), Guinea (Reproductive Health), Jordan (Economic Reform), and Madagascar (Education Reform); and institutional communication strategies the UN delivering as one initiative and for UNFPA in Mongolia and for the Government of Ethiopia.
CDC also draws on an extensive roster of senior consultants that are spread out through-out Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East & North Africa and Latin America & the Caribbean.Â
How can CDC assist you?
CDC can provide technical support as a group or through its principal to development agencies in the following areas:
Communication Strategy Design and Implementation
Our services range from designing and conducting the stakeholder assessment to providing on & off site technical support for the implementation of the strategy.Â
Operational Communication Research
CDC can design and conduct qualitative and quantitative research, learning needs assessments and feasibility studies, as well as strategic communication reviews.Â
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Communication Guides and Tool Kits
CDC can tailor guides (on line or in print) that will help your staff stick to established guidelines and have a set of toolsÂ
that can help them produce effective press and other materials.Â
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Evaluation of Communication Programmes, Interventions, and Components.
CDC can help you evaluate your work from an outside perspective, and with more than three decades of experience across the breadth of current communication models.Â